#include <Windows.h>

#include <tchar.h>

int WINAPI  WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR Ipcmdline, int nCmdShow)


MessageBox(NULL, _T("Hello World"), _T("메시지"), MB_OK);

//Null, 내용, 제목표시줄, 몰라

return 0;


this code will create window below:

So, There are WinMain() and WndProc() Functions

 WinMain( )
       윈도우 클래스 만들기 - (RegisterClass(...))

       윈도우 객체 생성하기 - (CreateWindow(...))

       윈도우 객체 화면에 띄우기 - (ShowWindow(...))

       메시지 루프 돌리기 - While(GetMessage(....))


WndProc( )
       전달된 메시지 처리하기

WinMain() function only create Window of program

WndProc() function manages Window messages

From: http://yyman.tistory.com/

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